Sunday, September 7, 2008

'From the dream to the reality' AA.

The Dream
  • In this class, I wish to achieve at least a 70% average.
  • I plan on handing everything in, and gaining a bonus mark through those special tasks.
  • In general during the year, I'm determined to balance the school and 'wally' work successfully, NO GIVING UP on either side.

The 'To-Do' List

  • To this class, I will give my respect. Listening to all, and keeping a mind for those opinions/feelings.
  • By the way, totally here to lend a pencil/pen or keyboard time.
  • To the school.. well, I will be following rules and helping my niner sibling if needed, so it's like peer-helping. :)

The Shackles

  • I will be held responsible for my work, it is MY work, no copying expected.
  • I will finish things on time, or will be seen begging for more time long before the pre-determined due date if timing isn't going so well.
  • I will be held responsible to study on my own time for tests/exams, etc..
  • I will be held to my promises.

The 'Dream' Team

  • The parents, I'll need them to be ready to let me stay up past my bedtime to finish any work.
  • The boss, I'll need him to let me 'call-in-sick' if things are piling up, or just cut some hours.
  • The teacher, I'll need Mr. Murray to give me a push, or explain anything that goes over my head.
  • The friends, I'll need them to save the distractions for once I'm done, and supply the fun if I'm successful.

The Hopeful Result

  • I'll know success when my marks are where I want them.
  • Also, if I'm still able to smile without fainting from stress.
  • These successes would be best if I'm still employed and wearing my bright blue vest.

The Reality

  • If things go well, a high five from the allies would be appreciated.
  • If not so well, a good 'ol talking to could work, or a detention/grounding.. blahblahblah.

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