Sunday, November 9, 2008

rhetoric device*


--> language for ‘attacking or debasing someone or something.
(AKA, name calling)

Basically, tapinosis is when words or sayings are being thrown at a person/concept/object, to make it seem less good and make it less credible.

This can be helpful when it comes to debating, fights or just proving a point. It will bring the reader/audience onto the user’s side, seemingly strengthening the stand/ideas.

Some examples of this in action could be;

‘Stacey didn’t want to move, the new town was so small, boring and ugly. Not a cool place to live.’

Person A: “Let’s go hang out with Billy.”
Person B: “Billy is a loser.”
Person A: “You’re a loser.”

Another example could be;
Name calling is everywhere, sooo..

In the ‘Twilight’ series, whenever the werewolves and vampires are referring to one another.
Emmet: “blah blah.. those overgrown, smelly dogs.. blah blah.”
Jacob: “blah blah.. cold, blood-sucking murderers..blah.”

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